Absmann Gastronomie GmbH & Co KG
Rupertgasse 10
5020 Salzburg
T +43 662 87 22 46
F +43 662 87 22 46 - 4
Managing Director:
Absmann Augustin
Company register:
FN 407986 f
Commercial court:
Handelsgericht Salzburg
Supervisory authority:
Municipal Authority of the City of Salzburg
Commercial and professional regulations:
Gewerbeordnung 1994, insbesondere § 94 Z 26 und § 111 Abs 1 Z 2;
Chamber membership:
Member of the Salzburg Chamber of Commerce, Section of Gastronomy
Object of the company:
Hospitality according to § 94 Z. 26 GewO 1994 in the operating modes: Inn and Bar, with the authorizations according to § 111 Abs 1 Z 2 GewO 1994

Salzburger Biermanufaktur GmbH
Bayerhamerstraße 10
5020 Salzburg
T +43 662 87 63 76
F +43 662 87 63 76 - 4
Managing Director:
Felix Gmachl
Company register:
FN 450302 i
Commercial court:
Handelsgericht Salzburg
Supervisory authority:
Municipal Authority of the City of Salzburg
Commercial and professional regulations:
Gewerbeordnung 1994, insbesondere § 5 Abs 1;
Chamber membership:
Member of the Salzburg Chamber of Commerce, Department of Food and Beverage Industry (food industry)
Object of the company:
Brewery and production of other beverages and distribution of beverages

Absmann Gastronomie GmbH
Rupertgasse 10
5020 Salzburg
T +43 662 87 22 46
F +43 662 87 22 46 - 4
Managing Director:
Absmann Augustin
Company register:
FN 407649 i
Commercial court:
Handelsgericht Salzburg